About Us

Run by gamers for gamers

Jersey Gaming Hub was originally established in 2016 as esports.je, with the mission of creating a place for the local community to meet, play together and compete in tournaments.

We have over time evolved to offer so much more, and now see ourselves as a community hub for all things gaming, from playing together on our LAN network, to a place to kick back and relax with a friend on a sofa with one of our many consoles. We now also host and organise weekly & bi-weekly social groups, TCG’s and Dungeon & Dragon meets, as well as being the home of SwarmHQ our very own esports Tournament Organiser and Jersey Esports.

The hub is run and staffed by gamers for gamers.


Follow us to be kept up to date for tournaments, exhibition games and competitions, or join us for one of our club leagues.


Esports is essentially the competitive side of video gaming. Just as in football you have amateur 5-a-side teams and professional Premier League teams, there is a similar situation in the world of video games.

Since the increase in viewership with live streaming, Esports has grown to a significant factor in the video game industry, with many game developers actively designing and providing funding for tournaments and other events.